- IEE TAS is available for the attendees by Nov. 18, 2022
We are pleased to announce that all published papers are now available for free bulk download to MT27 attendees for a limited time. Please check your email sent on Nov. 2. - Awardees of Outstanding Presentation Awards
Congratulations! Please check the page for Award. - Please Upload Presentation Materials to INDICO
In order to leave a long lasting archive of MT, MT27 asks you to upload your presentation file to Indico. It is quite important for our community. The upload instruction is here. Thank you very much.
Welcome to MT27 (Hybrid Conference: On-site and On-line)
It is our pleasure to welcome you at the 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT27) which is held at Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan and online from November 15 to 19, 2021.
MT27 is the third MT in Japan after MT18 (Morioka, 2003) and MT11 (Tsukuba, 1989). This time the conference is co-hosted by the Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society in Japan (CSSJ), the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), and The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ). After careful consideration on the conference format under the influence of global impact of COVID19, MT27 is in the hybrid format to allow participants who are unable to attend the onsite from across the globe. The conference program has been arranged considering the time difference on the globe. On the virtual platform, the conference period will be extended and the participants can continue on-demand viewing and on-line discussion. Our priority is the health and safety of the participants and staffs.
MT27 sets its theme as “Innovation in Superconducting Magnet Technology.” Five plenary talks address advances in superconducting magnet technologies including Ultra-High-Field NMR Magnets, Radiation Therapy Systems, Muon Colliders, JT-60SA Superconducting Magnets, and Railway Applications. Special session “Lesson learned” is organized to share the knowledge obtained in a history of superconducting devises such as accelerator, fusion, NMR/MRI, high field magnet and so on. As lessons based on the operation and the troubles are not so accessible in spite of those importance, this session focuses on those quite important lessons learned in HTS and LTS devices. Six experts from fusion, accelerator, high field magnet communities are invited. In the Young Scientist Plenary Session, six invited Young Scientists introduce their research in seven minutes.
We hope that all the participants enjoy the conference.
On behalf of MT27 organization,
Hitoshi Kitaguchi, Chair of MT27