
Critical current measurements for design of superconducting DC transmission power cables

孫 建, 山内 駿, 渡邉 裕文, 浜辺 誠, 河原 敏男, 山口 作太郎 (中部大)

Abstract:We have been studying the effect caused to the maximum current of the cables by the way of the tape winding. In the present experiments three HTS tapes were set parallel to each other on a board and the currents were fed to the tapes. The critical currents of the tape which was set between two tapes were measured with respect to the gap between the tapes. According to the experiments the critical current of the middle HTS tape shows strong dependence on the gap due to the magnetic field from the adjacent HTS tapes. We will present the experimental results and discuss the design of the HTS DC cable.